Sunday 1 March 2009

Meeting new people

We were enjoying the stay. We decided on Price Waterhouse(the same AU$5,000.00 fees) and were oriented that the best Visa for us would be the Business one. It grants you four years to stay and by this time you need to have a AU$250,000.00 turnover and 03 full time employees. The other alternative would be to appear with AUS$2,500,000.00 in cash and have a permanent granted instantly. Or, either- AU$750,000.00(also in cash) to be locked in Australian Federal Treasure bonds for 03 years. It’s all true.

So, while we were preparing documents, we decided to “feel the country”. We rented the flat(03 months payment in advance) and looked for any social activity to interact with other people(apart from saunas). There was this “fruits in suits” thing, a gay entrepreneurial meeting, that would take place every once in a while. Gus and I were excited. We would get to know, first hand, businessmen out of the closet-and that really was exciting. First meeting was at the Hotel W, a posh venue in Wooloomooloo(the word with more “O”s you will ever find in the dictionary). I called the director of the group who told me:” It’s in Wooloomooloo! “And I asked him humbly:” We are new here. Would you give us some instructions on how to get there?”. And he answered: “Oh, just pick a taxi and he will know”. Fine. We were still excited.

We arrived by taxi and discovered we weren’t quite well dressed for the occasion. Mind you, there was also another group there: “Lemons with a twist”- the lesbian share of the group. People were all in suits(of course)while we were in Club Med sweaters(don’t ask me why-we just didn’t have any winter clothes). After presenting ourselves as two citizens from Ole country, we were forwardly presented to two other American lesbian professors from the US as a lovely Mexican couple. Thanks God for that-then we had, at least, found somebody to talk to. As we found out later, the group’s director was the proud owner of a newsagent shop, and he was getting tired of it too. So we were more or less discovering that Australians themselves were bored in their own country. And that they weren’t very good in Geography either.

Everything was clean in Sydney. We just could not(at least myself) get excited with the architecture, the landscape, the culture- well, maybe with Ned Kelly. He was bored to be told what to do and is now their national hero. Painted as a black squared headed guy by a famous Australian artist.

Tell you later.

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