Friday 13 February 2009

Idi's Bright Future

Hey, I was telling you about my personal money launderer, I mean- best friend.

Idi went to University with other important local society figures- politicians’ children, well connected people-what we mainly call there “400’s people”: families who’ve been in the country for over 400 years. The rest is actually called 600’s – families who’ve been there for over 600 years, i.e., Indians.

After graduating from Uni he went to work with his father. At that time inflation in Ole Country was at a 50% rate per…month, yes. So he thrived. And thrived. And thrived: 08 years working with his father ,exchanging local currency for hard US$, sending it overseas and his annual turnover was already US$1 Billion per year. And fees to local police authorities at a US$150,000.00 pace a month.

The rest is History. He was pressed to open a bank by authorities-and so he did. A few years later he was forced by Authorities to close down his bank(this was another lobby pressing). And so he did. Never confronted authorities who constantly used his services to send their “ profits” abroad, to very quiet accounts in First World. I mean quiet because this sort of money hardly ever travels. It just sits still there on innocent investments .

These clients(politicians, government personnel, public employees such as tax officers) were the same that every now and then would throw him in the fire, blaming him as the true menace to Ole Country’s progress, smearing his name in the news. For about 05 minutes. He would then distribute some money here and there and things would go quiet again.

Up to the point that he is very quiet now himself. Maybe tired of this merry-go-round, the endless scrutiny on him; maybe working in greener pastures, helping bare chested Tzars.

After a few years struggling in Ole Country with my business , I decided to pay him a visit, as to an oracle source, or a rabbi whom we visit when we decide that sinning hasn’t helped to improve our lives either. The entrance to the building(where other neighbours live as well) has a two steel doors device, that locks you between them while the porter, with cameras, try to identify you. Porters in Ole Country are very suspicious of guys like me. That’s because I look harmless, so they play their “full Monty shtick”. Mind you, in Ole Country, The Collective Unconsciousness(Yung etc) defines my face features as a bad man(not bad ass) from American movies, that means, the one who speaks with a British accent(that’s because I’m white-hence, harmless). Had I had the “Ole Country criminal face”(Yung etc), they would not dare to confront me. I get the OK, and am allowed to come in the building.

Tell you later.

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