Saturday 7 February 2009

Immigrant about town- sex and the immigrant- part 02

First things when you move to your new flat in London: mine is in Camberwell. A beautiful neighbourhood with loads of …well, loads. I have a beautiful park in front-called the Myatts Field. Can you imagine had John Lennon lived here? Yes, Myatts Fields forever. My partner and I get amazed how monarchy is good. We would never have known that parks are good for you. We decided that they provided. They had always the education-an eternal and perennial education. We sometimes have, sometimes don’t. Prince Charles does organic food. We ate his turkey last Christmas. It was very tender. And it was on promotion at Sainsburys. One thing I learned about living in the First World: Organic food is the most expensive food in the First World. Organic food is the cheapest food in the 3rd World. Funny. Have you ever heard the expression “wild harvested”?

Now there is this thing: the poorer you are here in London, the deeper you are in problem. Take for instance the supermarkets- you only get the cheap supermarkets in my neighbourhood. They are, of course, the most expensive. Tis a question devoutly to be answered. It’s a rule: The fanciest the supermarket in London, the better the products and…the cheaper too!

One will never understand. I went to watch a Beckett monologue, and there was so much this “One…” expression, that I am enjoying to use it. The lady was covered in sand to her waist, saying the most amazing stuff. Some of it I even understood. I respect Beckett. When the play was finished, the old man beside me woke up and applauded effusively. He looks to me and say: “can you imagine she is doing two performances today?”. Well, he could barely go through the first round. I saw the play at the National Theatre, the building many love to hate (the one near the London Eye and the Waterloo station).Took me a while to get there the first time. I still have difficulties trying to get around with public transportation.

The next neighbourhood I want to live in London is Not in service. 90% of public transportation goes there. Whenever I wait for my bus, the Not In Service comes always first.

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